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Introducing the Heart and

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Creator Of Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution

Energy Healer

Minister Of Health 

Healing Mentor

Retreat Leader


Your Healing Guide and Wellness Advocate


At the helm of IEXCELL.LIFE is John Bygraves, a man whose life story reads like a chronicle of resilience and renewal. He's not just the founder; he's a walking testament to the life-changing power of holistic health.


The Catalyst for Change: A Personal Victory

John’s confrontation with stage 4 cancer was the unexpected spark for his profound transformation. Faced with a grim prognosis, John chose to author a new chapter in his life, embarking on a self-directed healing journey that not only extended his life but revolutionized his entire being.














The Holistic Turnaround

Taking a stand to reclaim his health, John dove into a comprehensive healing quest that spanned mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. Over six transformative years, he uncovered the synergistic power of the mind-body connection and the critical importance of addressing illness at its roots, not just its symptoms.


The Bygraves Blueprint

Drawing from both cutting-edge science and time-honored healing traditions, John formulated a unique holistic healing methodology. His fundamental belief is that our bodies possess a natural capacity for self-healing, given the right support and environment.


Giving Back: The Birth of IEXCELL.LIFE

John's recovery journey became the cornerstone of IEXCELL.LIFE. Here, he introduced the Prevention Is Better Than Cure Program, the Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution, and the pioneering Bygravian Method — all designed to initiate a reset for a flourishing body, mind, and spirit.


A Mentor for Your Health Odyssey

Through the Prevention Is Better Than Cure Program, John mentors those grappling with dis-ease, equipping them with a foundational blueprint for immune system resilience and holistic health. His approach is tailored to foster self-empowerment on the healing journey.


The Bygravian Method: A Fusion of Healing Arts

John’s signature energy healing practice, the Bygravian Method, is an intuitive blend of breathwork, affirmations, meditation, energy cleansing, and more — all honed through personal trials and triumphs. It’s a method that’s as unique as it is effective.


Healing in Harmony: Group Sessions

Join John every Sunday for the Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution — live group sessions via Zoom that offer a sanctuary for collective healing. It's a chance to experience balance and tranquility, to release, reset, and rejuvenate together.


A Guiding Light

John’s unwavering commitment shines through in every aspect of his work. He’s not just a guide; he’s an ally who knows the terrain of illness and the pathways to wellness. He's helped countless individuals reclaim their health and vitality and stands ready to light the way for many more.


Join the Movement

Ready to embark on a transformative health journey? John is the guide you've been seeking. Connect with him for a discovery call, and let the journey to your best self begin with IEXCELL.LIFE.

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