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Sonia Chana
Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL
“I could literally feel my cancer healing. So so powerful and we are truly blessed to be part of these amazing sessions. Thank you John Bygraves for your time and devotion to helping others. "


Shared Experiences

Honest Feedback, Genuine Progress


Welcome to where our program’s effects come to life through the words of those who’ve experienced it. IEXCELL.LIFE isn’t just about the strategies we offer; it’s about the real-world results and everyday victories of our participants. Here, we share the candid stories of individuals who’ve joined our ranks in pursuit of better health.


Our Community Speaks:


The stories you’ll find here are as real as it gets — no fluff, just honest accounts of struggles and success. Each person’s journey is unique, but they all share a common thread: the pursuit of a healthier, more balanced life.


The Power of Shared Experiences:


These aren’t just reviews; they’re snapshots of personal milestones and the honest ups and downs of real change. They’re here to show you that, regardless of where you’re starting from, there’s a place for you in the IEXCELL.LIFE family.


Your Story Awaits:


So take a look at what others have to say and picture what your own journey could be like. Whether it’s a small step toward wellness or a giant leap in overcoming challenges, your story could be the next inspiration for someone else.

Mark Pridmore


Namaste, John.

I am delighted to share my experience over the past 10 weeks and provide a heartfelt testimonial for John Bygraves founder of


When I initially registered for the Prevention Is Better Than Cure Program, which is a guided Foundation Healing System Blueprint, I was seeking a transformative journey that would not only address my current mental health concerns but also empower me to lead a proactive and holistic lifestyle. Little did I know that I would find an exceptional mentor in John Bygraves, who has exceeded my expectations and left an indelible impact on my life.


What initially attracted me to John’s program was a post shared by my wife who has known John for many years, and she knew that I was struggling with my negativity and confidence issues that had plagued me for years, and I needed something that was comprehensive and an approach that focused on preventive mental health measures. The IEXCELL LIFE website provided detailed information about the program, highlighting the importance of staying ahead of the game and preventing health issues before they arise.

What I liked best about John’s program was the perfect balance between addressing my current mental health concerns and equipping me with the knowledge and tools to prevent future issues. The Foundation Healing System Blueprint provided a structured framework for achieving optimum well-being in just 10 weeks. John demonstrated an impressive depth of knowledge and expertise, guiding me through the program with unwavering support and personalised attention. Using Johns words from our very first session – “After these next 10 weeks, you will be a different person and the people closest to you, won’t recognise you”. Very true and this did happen!


Throughout the program, I witnessed remarkable improvements in my overall well-being. John introduced me to the secrets of holistic healing, incorporating various elements such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mindfulness into my daily routine. The guidance helped me make significant lifestyle changes and adopt healthier habits that will continue to benefit me overall.

One of the most valuable aspects of John’s program was his emphasis on prevention. By addressing the root causes of health issues and implementing preventive measures, I gained a sense of control over my well-being. The program empowered me with the knowledge and tools to take initiative-taking steps towards maintaining good health and avoiding future health challenges.

I would wholeheartedly recommend John’s Prevention Is Better Than Cure Program to anyone seeking a complete health overhaul and an initiative-taking approach to well-being. John’s expertise, dedication, and genuine passion for holistic healing are truly inspiring. The guidance has not only helped me address my immediate health concerns but has also equipped me with lifelong strategies for maintaining optimal well-being.


Thank you, John for the transformative journey you have taken me on. Your commitment to preventive health measures and your holistic approach have made a profound impact on my life. The Prevention Is Better Than Cure Program at IEXCELL LIFE is a game-changer for those seeking to lead a proactive and holistic lifestyle. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone ready to embark on a journey of well-being and personal growth.


Best Wishes, Mark


Sonia Chana


Collaborating with John Bygraves since I was diagnosed with stage 3B Breast cancer that has spread to lymph nodes on 31st March has been a truly transformative experience for me. I was still at an all-time low since my father died unexpectedly in Sept 2020, not to mention even more stressed and petrified of the potential treatment plan in store for me (chemo, multiple operations etc.) but after just a few sessions with John, I can honestly say that it had a profound impact on my well-being.


From the moment I spoke to John on the phone that day after a recommendation from a friend who urged me to call John immediately, I felt a sense of warmth and compassion. He created a safe and nurturing environment where I could openly express my concerns and share my struggles. His deep understanding of self-healing and extensive intuitive abilities since battling cancer himself in 2017 allowed him to identify and address the root causes of my physical and emotional imbalances.


If I hadn’t started working with John I would be without a plan and being poisoned with chemo as we speak plus physically, mentally and emotionally drained at a worse level than during over a month of prodding, poking and scans prior not to mention the anxiety of waiting for test results on top of never-ending phone calls and running back and forth to hospital appointments at short notice.


With the positive mindset I now have compared to since chronic grief set in, coupled with everything John has shared, helped me learn and put into practice I believe I’m well on my way to being cancer free, although I realise it needs perseverance, dedication and will-power on my part and could take a while where it didn’t happen overnight so it won’t disappear overnight.


Beyond the immediate effects, through John’s no-holds-barred knowledge sharing weekly mentoring sessions I have seen remarkable long-term improvements in my overall health and well-being. Chronic pain that had plagued me for years began to dissipate, and I found myself experiencing greater mental clarity and emotional stability. John provides valuable insights and guidance that empowered me to make much needed positive changes in my life and break free from limiting patterns.


What sets John apart is his genuine care and dedication to his clients. He goes above and beyond, offering ongoing support and encouragement outside of our sessions. His deep knowledge and expertise in various energy healing modalities are evident, and he tailored each session to address my specific needs.


I can also say that to boot during each free open to all Sundays at 8pm group meditation huddle, John skilfully manipulates and balances my energy, helping to release blockages and restore harmony within me. I experience a noticeable shift in

my energy levels and a renewed sense of vitality which sets me up for the week ahead. The sessions are incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating, leaving me feeling lighter and more centred. I highly recommend these sessions without reservation and there’s something extra powerful when we all come together for the special meditations John has dedicated his time to prepare and lead for anyone out there that wants to participate.


I am and will always be incredibly grateful for the profound impact John has had on my life. He has not only helped me on the path to healing on a physical and emotional level but also provided me with tools to continue my own healing, self-care and growth. I highly recommend John to anyone seeking holistic healing and transformation. His compassionate approach, combined with his remarkable, mind-blowing self-healing knowledge, is truly a blessed gift to all who work with him.



Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Hi John...

I just listened to the podcast you did with Dan congratulations it was a fantastic listen, very informative and helpful.

I wanted to mention to you about my gynaecology problems I've been having.

I was diagnosed with a cyst on one of my ovaries and a fibroid that has been growing... I'm checked every 6 months because if the fibroid gets to big I'm going to have to have a hysterectomy which I really don't want.. anyways I went back last Tuesday for a check up... and they said the cyst i had had completely disappeared and that the fibroid hasn't grown either. 

I truly believe this happened all since doing your sessions... and I just wanted to share it with you and say thank you for all your consistently and care


Genqiue Bowen 

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Thank you for another healing meditation this evening. This week my hands & arms felt very heavy during the  meditation. During the healing meditation I could feel the stagnant energy leaving my body. You also mentioned toothache, I had toothache which I had every day for about 2 weeks & booked a dental appointment for this week. It has dawned on my that these weekly  meditations are what has helped to soothe & keep away my toothache. My throat chakra is unblocked & I am able to speak my truth with ease & no overthinking.Thank you for your time, energy & healing, I appreciate it


Ryan Keenan

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

The Sunday meditation with John has been a great experience, the start is empowering & uplifting, I have felt tingling through my legs at times during the meditation which was strange and felt very relaxed and unwound. things have been on the up for me since joining this group.

Thanks John 


Clarie Oz

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Sundays session was so powerful! I felt the energy literally buzzing around every point of my body while john was mentioning the exact points -incredible feeling! Yesterday I was so busy with healings yet was full of energy I could feel the difference which was beautiful and felt amazing! Even into the evening when I’m normally tired I was dancing and singing in my kitchen 

I’m so incredibly grateful for these sessions thanking you John 

Charlee Christian

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Just wanted to say thank you for Sundays meditation! I’ve been doing these sessions since the beginning and have felt an improvement in my outlook on life, and have noticed significant health benefits both mentally and physically. Each week iam able to meditate deeper than the week before. Johns guidance make’s Sunday evenings something to look forward to moving into the new week. 


Julie Donnelly

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

After the Sunday evening healing & meditation, I feel like a different person - deeply peaceful, present & calm. It’s like a deep cleanse. My mind, body & soul feel clean, blank & re-set. I couldn’t imagine a week without these sessions now. Such a calming end to the week. I go to sleep totally relaxed for the week ahead. Thank you John


Jennifer Perry

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

I haven’t missed a session since the start back in November. I feel like each week I do sit feel heal the more beneficial it is to me.. my anxiety, depression and overthinking this morning is non existent I don’t feel worried, tired or stressed just ready for the week ahead. It’s like a clean slate at the start of every week and It’s really helped me feel motivated and energised. Thank you for another amazing session.


Clarie Oz

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Last nights healing meditation was powerful! Feeling the energy pumping through my body. I always go into a extremely deep space during the twin hearts meditation and “come back” towards the end 

Last night I noticed a few little yet powerful changes John had put into the session the floating in a sea of golden light and the little pause 

Ment I could literally feel myself floating with the beautiful golden light entering my body from all angles! Wow!

The healing session at the end I’m normally in and out of consciousness last night I was a little more aware and could feel the energy in certain parts of my body moving! And clearing! 

I’m so grateful for you John doing this incredible service for us all 

without this at the moment I know I wouldn’t feel as alined and ready to myself help others, I literally feel cleared out after each session!


Lisa Pusey

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

John when I begun the session my lower back had been aching due to lifting things too heavy when I did boxing same day my back jammed up and I had to use a rolller to release the tension …. During your session something happened I can’t explain the pain went and I’ve woke up today done a spin class walked nearly 15,000 steps without any lower back pain .. thank you do much and deffo interested in one to one sessions.


Julie Donnelly

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Every time i do the Sunday eve mediation/healing it is a very different experience. It def feels like layers are being unveiled, released, cleansed. Tonight it felt like all: mind, body & spirit. I’d a lot of different experiences. But the most beautiful was I was I went to heaven & my little children who never made it into the world were playing around my feet, giggling & smiling. I have only ever felt the same peace, contentment & completeness when my sons were born here. I can’t tell you how happy I felt. I feel so peaceful.


Victoria Balcombe

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Amazing session, really felt the energy rushing through my body, so powerful.. have been doing these session since the beginning and i cant recommend them enough..still every week surprises me more, its like an onion, a layer gets removed every time..

As someone that deals with really bad anxiety and PTSD i find these sessions help keep it at bay i notice if i miss a session the anxiety gets uncontrollable again.

This morning i have awakened early and fresh after an amazing nights sleep, I have mental clarity and I am ready to get back to my morning swims again which is a really positive step compared to the last few weeks so many thanks to you John.


Sajjad Ayub

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Each week John Bygraves you raise the bar my brother.. Whatever you are doing on these sessions are making a huge difference to me. I'm left completely relaxed, energised at peace, I sleep deeper and wake up with a bounce in my step. Keep up the momentum and doing what you do best... Much love.


Charlee Christian

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Good morning all, it’s taken me a few days to write this as I had some different experiences on Sunday, during the healing my body was randomly tingling which I’ve had before but new to me was my body trembling almost spasms short and strong bolting to different parts of my body, something just felt different. I became overly emotional the last few days which is not like me at all but it felt good in a sad way. Like I was letting go. Yesterday I took a couple of hours and walked in the woods. I’ve suffered with cptsd since I can remember and have always had a nervous anxious knot in my stomach that would never go away, since doing Johns meditation and healing that knot is almost gone which I never ever thought would happen. It’s almost like I’m seeing everything in a new light and letting go of things that no longer serve me. Thank you John. I never thought this would be possible but week after week I’m feeling stronger and stronger.


Victoria Balcombe

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Wow yet again I am blown away, this is my new favourite thing about Sundays and I can't wait for next week..

A few tears but also could really feel my heart beating high pitch ringing in my ears plus hands and feet very hot again too, all very good signs of how powerful these meditations are, feeling very relaxed throughout and after.

John your story is truly amazing and inspirational, you really are a blessing and I'm very greatful your still here and using your past experiences to help others.


Lauren Hil

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Absolutely incredible healing and mediation. I felt the power of Johns words and vibrations. I could feel areas on my body where I currently have issues clearing. This is so necessary for all and for the collective healing of the world. Cannot you thank you enough John, what a gift you are! 


Jude Anderson

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Both me and my husband took part in the first ‘Sit Feel Heal’ session and were blown away. It was incredibly powerful, deep and spiritual. We both felt amazing afterwards and felt really connected to our roots with Mother Earth. Thank you John! What you are doing is amazing and I think you will help a lot of people in your lifetime. 


Jennifer Perry

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Thank you for Sundays healing and meditation session, had the most amazing night sleep after felt so relaxed and woke up feeling energised calm and clear minded, and wow my anxiety has completely cleared you, thank you for 'Sit Feel Heal' I will be joining every Sunday and spreading the word.


Laura Conaty

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Thank you for the Sunday session of ‘Sit Feel Heal’, it was very powerful! I felt connection instantly from the invocation, and went onto feeling completely relaxed, releasing all that needed to be shifted. You are a true testimony to the power we all have within us and it’s a blessing to be a part of it.


Rita Pereira

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Sunday's session was very relaxing and empowering! 

I truly believe we all are amazing and this powerful deep inside each one of us we need to dive in and let the seed flourish.

Thank you for sharing your story of supperation and transformation with us, you are proof of the power human beings carry inside.


Michael McGinley

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Hey John 

I really enjoyed the 'Sit Feel Heal' yesterday, I have been going through some things that has really caused me  stress and caused anxiety for me to just be in my house. Last night I was deeply relaxed and calm and at peace with myself. 


Can’t recommend it enough 



Lisa Hole 

Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution TESTIMONIAL

Sunday evening I did a healing session with John I can honestly say it was the most powerful experience I’ve ever had. I slept like a baby the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in a long time. Such an inspirational soul. Truly blessed to cross paths with such amazing people. Will be logging into his zoom calls every Sunday . Can’t wait for the next one.


Nikki Slade


John Bygraves is the real deal.He is a channel of the highest integrity with the power of his own recovery journey beautifully integrated into his work.I was gifted a precious healing session with him not knowing what to expect. I can honestly say it was the most profound unique and transcendent experience that created a miraculous shift in my cells.I felt amazing afterwards and upon reflection I realised I was being worked on by a Master.

Highly recommended.’


Nikki Slade Natural Voice Pioneer and Kirtan Leader.


Bev Wilcox


I happened to see an Instagram live where John was explaining his program and I was immediately drawn to it, I booked a discovery call and within 2 days I was on the course and what a fantastic course it was. 

There was so much information, but also easy tools to implement this into everyday life for huge health benefits, spiritual wellness and awareness, weight loss etc. There are so many benefits to taking this program and the personal one to one coaching sessions take it to another level. 

I feel like a new person, every part of my life has improved, I can’t recommend this course enough to improve your health, feel better about yourself, have more energy, calm your mind and so much more.  This has been life changing and the best thing I have ever done, I look forward to taking all the lessons with me and using them for the rest of my life.

Huge thanks John


Laila Hanafi


I joined the program to gain support and knowledge in order to enhance all aspects of my life and felt this was the right program for me to help build the right habits to achieve this. Not only did I find this to be the case throughout the 10 weeks, but I learnt so much more amazing ways to be more in tune with myself, nature and the universe. I had a couple, what I call ‘healing miracles’, during this period, some through the great healing sessions with John and others through the amazing habits I have learnt on the program and implemented in my life. I would recommend this program to anyone wanting enhance their life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s been a great journey, and I am taking away some amazing life long habits and a wealth of knowledge.


Lesley Green


John's healing sessions and wise, life altering, life affirmating information has put me on my way to great over all health and well being. The new habits I have taken on with the support of the community is truly making a difference.  This has helped me get through a hard emotional time and physically time. I really feel blessed to have done this when I had the chance! John and Samiya's guidance  and coaching have given me the "secrets" to make myself a healthy, whole, vibrant being!!


Trish Beaulieu


"WOW! What an eye-opener IEXCELL.LIFE Prevention Is Better Than Cure program has been for my life. Talk about "bad habits"!

The areas of my life that have been impacted by changing my bad habits are:

  1. Eating (By Intermitent fasting I lost 10 lbs in 1.5 weeks)


  2. Sleeping (Able to sleep through the night and wake up fully rested)


  3. Exercising (Use of Rebounding techniques [Trampoline], Stretching, Grounding (walking on grass or down along the water at the beach)


  4. Bathing (Use of salt water at the beach or while bathing helps to heal and sooth the body beyond belief!)


  5. Meditating (Meditate daily; once in the morning and again late afternoon or early evening)


  6. Healing Sessions (Working with John once a week for an hour doing a healing session that opens up my mind, body, and soul to a whole new world of living and healing.


If you haven't ever participated in a program like this, CHECK IT OUT! Go online and find the dates of the next 10-week IEXCELLIFE Prevention Is Better Than Cure program.


Find a new you while in the program!


Gabriella Barody


Since embarking on the IEXCELL.LIFE Prevention Is Better Than Cure program, I have reconnected to my well-being in a

different way. Not only through straight talking mentoring around nutrition and exercise from John and Samiya but also from the weekly healing sessions

and meditation practices that have restored and enhanced my mental well-being. I think about what I eat and drink now, and more importantly how to eat and drink. 

I have stopped watching TV in my room before sleeping (a real addiction), and have not missed this. This was impacting my sleep and rest. Now I sleep better, I want to go out for walks and be in nature, I have more energy, and am able to manage my life in a more productive and connected way. I feel calmer and more fulfilled.

I cannot recommend this programme more highly to anyone who wants to restore their health, feel more energised, sleep better and deal more powerfully with life in general.

I look forward to learning and experiencing more, as I continue to use these tools on a daily basis

John and Samiya.

My heart thanks you (it really does)


Griffin Siewert


I am a stage four cancer survivor. I have been on oral chemotherapy for 10 years. Doing the IEXCELL.LIFE Prevention Is Better Than Cure program has taught me that our bodies are amazing tools for healing. While I still have cancer in my body, I feel healthy, and have the tools to help me deal with any pain I might have. And it works, my pain goes away and I am able to go on living my life. And I believe as long as I keep this up my tumors will heal as well. In addition to that, I have lost 50 pounds, my cholesterol levels are normal, and I have lots of energy. I also am thinking faster.
So, if you are thinking about doing this program, I highly recommend it. John is a great instructor, his healing wisdom and matter of fact approach just takes you to the next level of your healing journey. And Samiya's loving support encourages you to succeed in that journey.


Giffin Siewert


I am a stage four cancer survivor. I have been on oral chemotherapy for 10 years. Doing the healing sessions with John Bygraves has really helped me with my pain management. I feel so relaxed after a session, any pain I might have had gets removed.

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